Dear EVERBODY!! :-D Howzit GOING?!?! :-D
Hey guys, how`re things? I hope good I`m so sorry for LAura Thompson I didn`t think it would be that fast I also didnt know that she was a convert :-D I will always have HUGE respect for the converts of this church and especially for someone like Laura Thompson
Sup Kev man :-D YOU`RE HOME!!! :-D I still got time left sucka!! :-D You`re awesome man. Cant wait to talk about how crazy the mission is with you and Elder Davies and eventually Elder Gomez :-D See you in June :-D
Hey Dad, did Sam(Elder McConnell) write an email?, Because I ould LOVE to read that
Things seem pretty exciting back home :-) I don`t know if I can handle it I`m sure I`ll be fine. Things here in Chilay are going good. This month we`re really trying to get the mission to start rolling out the baptisms just like back in the day. We want the missionaries to really be obedient, really study, really plan, really serve, and really teach. Several years ago this mission was not exactly the most obedient mission ever and I`ll like to talk with kevin and Elder Davies and you dad when I get back about all those missions and the things that happened. Now that i`m a lot older, and Im not trying to be obedient just to impress President or other missionaries but really BECAUSE I WANT TO, I now have a lot of power with the other missionaries. I hope to make a lot of waves before I leave :-D
One of the Elders in the apartment, Elder Mucha, had to go home on Friday, so now we`re in a Trio :-D Elder Fernandez is really cool, and we hope to have a lot of fun. I wish I could explain why South Americans are so fetching hilarious but you`d have to speak spanish to understand. Little fact, there are only 5 continents and if you tell a Chilean otherwise, they get very upset. Beware.
Yesterday I juggled a soccer ball 60 times with my feet :-D I`m basically Chilean now.
As well, Yesterday like eery sunday we sent in the numbers of the mission but the way we do it now is through email and we need to fill out a form of other questions as well. At the top of the page there`s a place where we put our names because the same form is sent to 20 other elders so for our names yesterday we put Elder Montalbacàn (Bacàn is the Chilean equivolent of awesome) and Elder McAwesome. Never give elders space to mess around because we will :-D
During the week, we taught a man Lesson 1 and we explained the first vision. I KNOW I felt the spirit but he got really offended :-( ``NO, it says in the Bible that man cannot see God``. Weirdest thing. I suppose that`s proof that some people will not listen to the spirit. Make sure not to be one of them.
Thats it for me guys :-D Until the next, Mom, Dad Elder McConnell Meri Grace and Sophie, I love you bunches and Be HAPPY!!
Elder McAwesome (Elder Jamie McConnell)
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