Hey guys How`re things :-) I`m glad that the letters got to you :-D I was kind of worried :-D By the way mom that story that I wrote to Meri was actually given to me by the pearsons who probably found it in another book that`s already published Good story though huh?
Good news Carla Jara was baptized on Saturday As well as Laura and her son Diego Laura was perfectly fine last weekend It was really fun :-) THe members came, there was food, very fun :-) It was all in all a very stressful week :-P I haven`t had to organize my own baptism since Febuary and its COMPLICATED But it was good :-) As well Graciela was able to come to both the baptism AND to church :-D We were talking with Carla and Graciela yesterday and they both were saying how they just felt like flying :-) That we had just brought something so special into their lives. It`s something really really special to see someone and know that yesterday they didn`t have the gift of the Holy Ghost and that today they do THAT is a good feeling :-D Graciela says that before I leave that she wants to get baptized so we`re going to see if we can find some time off of work or at least find the breaks necessary :-) Thanks for your prayers :-D Bytheway this Saturday Claudio is getting baptized Carla and Claudio are friends of mine on Facebook if you want to meet them
Something that Graciela told us yesterday that she feels so good about all of this and hopes that she doesn`t ever lose what she`s feeling, that it never leaves her :-) THere`s a scripture in 2 nephi somewhere where stuff is given line upon line. The verse ends with something along the lines of ``and anyone who says that they have enough, what they have will be taken away from them`` in terms of knowledge and light. THIS IS TRUE. YOU are the only person that can take away your testimony and faith. There is no power on earth, in heaven, or in hell that can make you lose those things. This is why NOW I love primary ``What do we need to do to be happy children?`` ``Say our prayers, read the scriptures and keep the commandments teacher.`` ``Thats right. Have a candy :-D``If we do these things, we will keep these feelings that we have had about the church, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith :-) I like guarantees from God :-D
Elder Aizpurùa is doing really well. He already is teaching and challenges everybody :-D I try to have everything perfect so that its all fun and spirit and thats starting to stress me out. :-P SOmething to Sam specifically but to everyone generally :-D The mission is not all fun and games. You all hear and read the vast majority of the GOOD stuff that happens :-D There are other stuffs I say this because when you`re in the mission Sam and having a hard time thinking that you could be doing better like you`ve heard from other missionaries, KNOW that there is no such thing as a perfect mission :-) It is ALL worth it so even when its hard you can go home and put your head on that wonderfully soft pillow and say ``Well, I will try again tomorrow`` and sleep :-) The mission is pure growth :-) and pure blessings :-D Its that sometimes it doesn`t look like it at the moment :-D
Thats it for me :-) I believe I will have the package this week So I`ll let you all know next week. Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and SOphie, I love you all and Be HappY!!
Elder Jamie McConnell