Today we were able to go down to Provo to see Jamie during his doctors appointment and it was a good experience all the way around. Even with the results that Dr. Peterson had given us. Basically, his gallbladder is not working and they are going to take it out lapriscopically (scope). The shocking part is that it is happening tomorrow morning. Barb and I will travel down to the hospital tomorrow morning and be with him when he gets out.
It was a neat experience for me to see him and to be with him and his companion, Elder Porter. Elder Porter is another elder in his group that has had visa problems. He's been in the MTC for 15 weeks with no end in sight! Anyway, in just the short amount of time Jamie has been there at the MTC I can see the maturity and self confidence that he has. He speaks with confidence about not only the gospel but how he feels both pysically and spirtually. While we were waiting for Dr. Peterson in the clinic room we all cried a little bit. We know that he is in good hands and that the many prayers, fasting, and thoughts and letters in his behalf have lifted his spirits up through this trying time. Barb and I shared with him that this is part of his mission experience and that he will be a better missionary and person because of it.
As we dropped off Jamie and Elder Porter at the MTC, it was a whole lot easier the second time around!! Even though it was Move In Day for a lot of other elders, this one was a little bit sweeter knowing that we are going to get this resolved and move on.
Again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. They have been very helpful for Barb and I but mostly, Elder McConnell.