Hey guys. how`re things? I hoping good. It was cool to hear you guys yesterday. In Paraguay they celebrate mother`s day the 15th of may so yesterday it was Elder Gomez`s turn :-) Just letting you know.
Things this week were kind of glum :-P We did very poorly with the numbers this week which was a combination of people not being home and poor planning on our part :-P We did however have 6 people in church yesterday which was great :-D We had a really cool lesson with William Maria Jose and Isis (well William and Maria Jose) about the law of chastity. I know that that is something kind of awkward to talk about BUT it can be a really cool lesson when the spirit is involved as it was :-D I used a scripture at the end of Jacob 2 which is awesome and it was just a great lesson. By the way (forgot) William and Maria Jose are getting married the 15th of July! :-D They`ve called their parents and they are setting up plans to come down south to see them. As well they`re going to be baptized the 16th of July, even better :-D I think I said this in another email but I`ll say it again, they bore their testimonies some weeks ago and it was so cool to feel how strongly they believe in everything. Thats not something you get to feel with every investigator. Yesterday, William and Maria brought in their Tithing :-D Very very cool.
Today we have interviews with Pres Swenson instead of P-day so that should be fun :-) You always feel you`re in a hurry though because of all the missionaries waiting so hopefully it`ll be better today :-)
Short spiritual thought. When we make correct choices everyday even in the small things (especially in the small things) at first it will be hard because people won`t understand but after people will come to you looking for help because they know that you know what is right and what should be done. Building this habit at first will be dificult but later it will be something so fortified that you will never not know what to do and you will always have the strength of character to pull it off :-D Amen! :-D
. . . THats basically it :-P I have not had the time to send or write anything but i will! :-) :-D Just you wait :-D
I`m sorry for the shortness of the email this week :-P Nothing really happened :-P Next week will be better :-D Until the next, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie, I love you all and Be HappY! :-D
As always
Elder Jamie McConnell
p.s. Tell Jon things will work out and that he WILL be alright :-)