Hey guys, how`re things? :-) How is the life? How are things going in Good ol`California (my second favorite state) :-D You know, I always loved the oakland temple :-) I loved the pictures with Sophie and the flowers :-D
So things are going good in the Concepcion South mission, the only celestial mission on the planet (that`s what our logo says). Yesterday we were able to bring 6 people to church which apparently doesn`t happen much in Gorbea as told to me by my companion Elder Gonzalez :-) We brought the family of three again (Will Maria and Isis), two husbands of long time members (Nivaldo and Ruben), and a sister of a recent convert (Valeska). It was a very cool sunday :-) This week with the family we taught them the Restoration which went really well. The Spirit was very strong. I love the feeling when you know that EVERYONE is feeling the same as you :-) Good feeling. They still need to get married but I think that that will come very easily :-) Pray for spirit pushes in the right direction. As well the wife of Ruben (Marixa) was called as the Primary President yesterday. This is perfect for her because her insane little two year old keeps her from staying for more than the sacrament meeting with her husband and 15yr old. Now she can take care of him herself AND start to build her self confidence. More than that her husband can stick around and learn from the classes and eventually get baptized and her son can learn more to prepare for a mission :-) We`re hoping for teh best with them :-D
I apologize mom that there are so many people talking to you on facebook. Constanza Rivas and Makarena Fernandez are of my baptisms, the others are members or possibly investigators. I`m looking for the email of my third baptism Barbara San Martin.
I did get the package :-) The ugly doll makes a wonderfully soft pillow and I feel invincible to the elements with my gigantic umbrella :-D As well I almost cried when I opened the bag of Goldfish :-D Thank you everyone so much :-D the pictures were hilarious :-D
I need to go but short truth, When you are trying your best to do good and taking steps to help that goal, even if it doens`t look like anything is happening or that you dont feel guided by the spirit, Know that good is being done and that it will be all right in the end :-) I promise
Thats it for me :-) Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Dani, I love you all and Be HAppY!!
Elder McConnell