always get emails that say what happened and then one later that
explains how it ended :-P Thats aight but still. :-P
I hope that everything is alright. IT seems that everything is, so
no worries :-D Things are alright here in Lota as well :-D Bytheway
Mom I didn`t actually say I was a Zone Leader in my last letter so
don`t worry about not reading about it :-D I forgot to put that in :-D
My bad. Yeah so me and Elder Demke are the bosses of the Zone of
Coronel where I began my misiĆ²n more than a year ago :-) Like a Boss.
I actually ran into some members from that Camilo yesterday here in
Lota :-D Now I could talk with them :-D Cool stuff. I counted the
other day, I have around 13 weeks left :-P Blegh. Where`d I put the
years? As for you Sam, you are now on the month countdown :-D How
does THAT feel? Spooky?, I know :-D
We are doing really well here. I feel really old and wise and
we`re helping out a lot of missionaries and a lot of people who need
the gospel :-D THe last time I was here I couldn`t really give a lot
of good advice let alone talk with them :-D GUess who`s back. Back
again. Jamie`s back. Tell your friends :-D Elder Demke is not dead
which is awesome and we`re having a lot of fun. We have a new game in
the morning. Whoever gets to the lightswitch first in the morning
gets to slap the other one, hard. Gets you up real fast :-D As
well, the branch here is awesome. There are a ton of wonderful people
and the vast majority of them are converts who are so strong :-D I`m
going to have a lot of fun :-D
I read a scripture the other day (I do that sometimes) and I came
across one that talks about Sherem and Jacob and how Sherem was
thinking that he could get Jacob to give up his beliefs( I got to give
Sherem props for the guts but Oh my gosh are you serious?). Jacob
explains why in Jacob 7:5 why he couldn`t ``be shaken``. He had had
revelations, he had seen angels, and do you know why he had had
revelations and seen angels? Because he looked for them and did what
they said, thats why. People do not recieve revelations or see angels
without searching for them or unless they are going to do what the
revelation or angel says. I say this because in spanish it says
``descarriado`` which is like derailed or astray. Its a common phrase
that people use here to say that they have a religion but they dont
ever go. They say ``Estoy un poco descarriado`` and then laugh a
little like when they say that, their behavior is fine, like it`s not
there fault. Any person that becomes ``descarriado`` is a victim of
his or her own choice. You do not fall away because it ``just
happens``, you fall away because you didn`t hold on, you didn`t look
for the angels and revelations and were left to fend for yourself.
Search the scriptures, really pray, obey the commandments even when
its hard and the angels will come and you will never fall away or
become ``descarriado``.
Thats it for me Guys :-D Hey Sam, Happy birthday, I hope you had a
lot of fun :-) Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie I
love you all and BE HAPPY!
Elder Jamie McConnell