Hey EveryBody!!! :-D Howzit Going?!! :-D How are things in the United States of A? :-D
I hope that everything is going good :-) Later today I`m hoping to FINALLY send off some long expected letters for you guys :-D As well, I don`t know when but I`ll be sending a package soon with some cool thingys so wait up for that :-D
Now more about me :-D Things here in Gorbea are going good :-) The work is kind of slow but its visibly growing :-D Yesterday we were able to bring a family of three to church :-D It was really really cool to see them there :-D Their names are William, Marìa Josè and Isis :-) They are really really cool people and very humble. They don`t have many things in their house but you wouldn`t say that they were poor or in trouble because of how happy and cheerful they are :-D They recently moved into the sector so we`re hoping to get them together with the members that live close by so that they can make some friends and coughgetbaptizedcough. . . :-D They really like what we`ve told them about the Restoration and Marriage (not married). Elder Gonzalez is very very blunt, but thats fine when you have good intentions and the Spirit of God :-D I already knew that he was going to lay down the law so I figured that I`d join him, so we went and told Will and Maria how they really need to get married and Isis joined us as well. They told us that they were going to pray about what we`ve taught them so far and about marriage and then takes the steps necessary to get married. Pray for them please :-)
A Happy anouncement. Carmen Gloria and Pedro (The Parents of the family back in O`higgins) got baptized on Saturday :-D I get a call from Carmen in the morning and she says hey McConnell (they never called me elder :-D) I have an announcement. They usually say good announcement so I was expecting the worst when she tells me that she and her husband are getting married at 6 :-D I was very very happy :-D I had honestly not thought a lot of ohiggins since I left. A little of course, I called sometimes and got called but I had forgotten that even when I left the sector, the work continues on. it was a very appreciated rude awakening :-D The work will go on with or without you Elder and hopefully YOU decide to stay on the ride because the work isn`t gonna wait up. :-D EGO SMASH :-D There`s something to learn everyday :-) It was really cool to hear that Carmen and Pedro were getting baptized :-) Their children have yet to make that decision but now that their parents are their hometeachers, it`s only a matter of time :-D
As well, an Hermana Rosa was baptized as well. We were doing contacts one day, weeks ago, and we found her. She was a very quiet lady and she has a lot of problems with reading and its possible that she never read a page of the Book of mormon when I was there BUT . . . she told us that she felt that it was true, and that she wanted to know more. And now she`s baptized. She told me that she was sorry that I wasn`t going to be there for her baptism :-) Little blessings.
Well thats basically it for me today :-) I haven`t gotten the package yet but I might Friday :-) Until the next one then, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Dani(if she`s home still) I love you all and BE HappY!! :-D
Elder Jamie McConnell