SO things have been very good here in the Ohig. I don´t think I made this clear but I´m going to be here at least until the 15th of march. So that should be fine :-D I´m going to get know EVERYBODY :-D The other day we were told that God doesn´t exist and that we were wasting our youth trying to teach the scriptures. Another day we were told that ´´the latter day saints were going to be burned in the last day ´´(I may have misinterpreted that one but Elder Colombo says thats what the pastor said) :-) Happy day.
But for good news we had a baptism yesterday :-D It went really well. We had the baptism after sacrament meeting which was good because if we had done it on Saturday almost no one would have come :-P :-D So the ward stayed, I was able to give a cool little talk (I speak spanish by the way), we had the baptism, everybody couldn´t fit in the font room there were so many people, family and non family a like :-D It was a really cool baptism. All of the grandma´s gave Makarena (the girl who got baptized) hugs and kisses, and her Aunt said that she was going to make it a point to come back to church :-) :-D Very cool :-)
We´re still working with the family that we found a couple weeks ago (La Familia Contreras) and they are still doing very well. They were almost all not home during the week but we kept in contact over the cellphone and they told us that they were still reading the Book of Mormon and praying which was great. The daughter was the only one that was able to come to church but she brought three friends with her who are also beginning to listen to the lessons :-D Things are looking up :-D
So thats it for me :-) Letters are on the way :-) Grandma McConnell, I hope that you are doing alright with your sister. Grandma Utley I hope that you´re recuperating more and more everyday, and I Hope that all the rest of you are doing good and if not good, great :-D
A little note, I read Romans chapter 8, the last three verses, and they made me think that there is nothing in or out of the world that can take away the love of God from us. Even if we don´t want to have it, God loves us anyway :-) What a blessing. We can´t lose if we remember who it is that hopes the best for us and is doing everything He can for us to have the best. We can´t lose :-D
Now that´s it for me :-D Until the next then, Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, Sophie, and Dani, and All of you out there, I love you and BE HAppY!! :-D
Elder McConnell