HEy, I`m leaving Villa O`higgins! It is kind of sad :-P I am glad that I`m leaving, to learn more about the mission and learn more about how to teach, but I will miss the O`hig. The ward is doing good, basically the same in attendance but they do seem happier now than when I arrived :-) Thats always good :-) I`m also leaving a baptism date for the 2nd of april so thats good as well :-) Crazy stuff.
So things went alright this week. We taught a lot of lessons which was good. We made it a point to share scriptures during lunches which was always good because they almost always have people over who aren`t members so that always a good opportunity to have a lesson with member :-D Something sad, the rains have started so everything is gray whereas everything before was burning red hot :-P By the way, the sector where I`m going is called Gorbea :-) which is one of the sectors most south of the mission, which is wonderful because winter is about to start . . . wait thats bad. Shoot. Thats one thing the missionaries here have made fun of me is that I had to spend a summer in Los Angeles and now a winter down south. Who loves irony?
Something different, the ward did a play on saturday and we were in it. Superman wanted to go on a mission so he called the Super Elders for advice :-) THe whole show was made up thirty minutes before so when I send it you guys you`ll understand why it was kind of . . . fome(spanish word), but our entries were cool :-D
Honestly . . . this week was very boring :-P Our investigators all said they were going to miss me and in fact we`re going over tonight for a family home evening to say goodbye to an investigating Family. :-) Its cool to see that you`ve made friends with people. But besides all that, there`s not much else :-P Disculpen.
Just a thought. Hope is an interesting word :-) In spanish its even more interesting. Esperanza means hope but it also means expectation. I feel that we use the word hope kind of like how we use the word maybe when in reality it is a much bigger thing than that. Two talks came to mind ``the infinite power of hope`` by Pres Uchtdorf and ``an high priest of good things to come`` by Elder Holland. You guys should read them :-) They`re very good :-) It just goes to show that hoping isn`t a weak thing that passively waits for the good to come, it goes and gets it, even if its hard, and even if it appears impossible. Cool stuff
Thats it for me this week :-) The next email will be from Gorbea so heads up :-D until the next, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Dani, I love you all and Be Happy!
Elder Jamie McConnell
p.s. Did somebody tell me that Sam got into the U or did I forget?