Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekly Letter

HEy EVeryBody!! :-D HOwzit going!?!?
HEy Guys how`re things? California looked like a lot of fun :-D Sophie seems ro be getting bigger every time I see her :-D Grace seems to be always getting taller :-D
Something cool, so we`re doing contacts the other day you know, declaring the gospel, and we get a call from the asistants. Nobody likes calls from the asistants :-D So Elder Lundgren takes the phone, talks for a sec says they want to talk ro me, Im like great, take the phone and Elder Rubilar says ``Hey Elder McConnell, you`ve been chosen as one of the new trainers, congratulations``. I`m like `` . . .Are you serious?``. My new comp flies in tomorrow and Im going to be a father in the mission :-D I`m freaking out :-P :-D Dad, Mom I can`t remember asking but did you guys train? I`m worried because any flaw that I have this kid is going to be like `` So that`s how its done`` and he might go on for his entire mission like that :-P I`m not that worried actually :-D We are going to work really hard :-D I was reading my journal today when I got into CHile and its so funny to think that this Elder is going to be the same story :-D Crazy stuff :-D Thanks for your prayers, We`ll be needed them :-D
Elder Lundgren is doing good, sorry for not saying anything earlier DAd, we were looking at our numbers for the entire cambio and we were off by 6 lessons to have completed with the goal :-D This cambio has to be the hardest(in terms of work) cambio that I have ever worked :-D Elder Lundgren and I never fought or anything, we just had different ideas how to do stuff. But honestly he has to be one of my favorite comps so far :-) It`s been really fun.
Things here in CaƱet are going good :-) We had 5 at church yesterday AND it was raining :-D Members don`t go to church when it rains :-D ME and Lundgren are the coolest :-D It was a good week :-) Carla and Claudio didn`t go to church yesterday so we have to move their date a little but they are doing fine. In fact Graciela the mother has been reading and shes soaking up everything :-D She explained to US Lehi`s dream the other day :-D Thats a golden investgator :-D the only problem she has is that she can`t go to church for work. If you guys couald pray for a job that gives Graciela a more flexible schedule that`d be awesome.
We also put a baptismal date for Laura diego and jenny for the 30th. We just have to go over the baptismal questions and they`ll be fine. The missionaies have been passing by their house since last september. The only big problem is that Laura has a little bit of a drinking problem :-P Nothing serious, she doesn`t do anything bad when she drinks, but she does have a little bit of an addiction. She knows she needs to quit and she knows that we want to help( the other day we bought Coca Cola so that she wouldn`t drink watching a major futbol game :-D) She just needs a little help. If you could pray for them so that they can be ready for the 30th, that`d be great :-) Especially for Laura.
Thats it for me :-) Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie, thanks for being my family and NOT crazy. There are so many people here who are so unhappy because of famiily members and its kind of depressing to see all that. Thanks. I love you all and Be HAppY !! :-D
ELder Jamie McConnell