HEY EVERYBOSY!!! :-D HOWZIT GOING!?!?! (I put the S on purpose)
So to get things straight, Sams going to the MTC on the 22nd? Thats
too bad, the waiting game is the worst :-D
Hey guys, How`re things? Hey Sam I like your talk. I wish I had
typed mine. I cant wait to take your homecoming talk and compare the
two :-D But that might take a while :D
So things are going good here in Lota. It`s hot but thats better
than rain so no complaints. We just entered into February (spelling),
Kevin`s got a month left, I have a little more :-P Crazy stuff :-D
Sorry for not writing monday. We had to go to a conference and we
thought we`d have time to write during the day but nope :-) We`re fine
though :-D once a month on a monday we have that conference so it
should happen again maybe two more times.
SO . . . one runs out of things to say after so long :-D Oh i got
it. I learned this week that Sin is not self sufficient. IF someone
sins long enough they will lose everything. Sin needs a constant
import of fuel to live. It gives nothing that lasts. King Noah was a
parasite to his people but because it was fun in the moment they
followed him. There are however people who appear to have a lot and
that do not live a ery Christ like life but I bet that if we looked
closely that they are constantly feeding a creature that cannot be
filled. Gambling, you get money you use it to gamble. Lying, you
sacrifice honesty to keep a lie alive. Greed, you must keep what you
have and have to have more. There are several examples more but thats
enough :D
Something cool this week, A guy yesterday sincerely asked us what
the Book of Mormon was and naturally we sincerely responded. He
wasn`t interested in the church YET but he did want to kno about this
little blue book. We explained that it was the word of god (And if
anyone who is reading this doesn`t know, believe, or is unaware of
this fact, it is true) and he seemed interested, not crazy head over
heels baptize me interested but he wanted to know a little more. He
asked where he could go to get a copy and I almost screamed `` In My
BACKPACK!!`` and I whipped one out and put it in his hands. I then
had the thought, ``How sad is it that there aren`t more people who ask
us `where can I get these books, the scriptures?`` NEVER unappreciate
the scriptures. There was a LOT of suffering so that you can have
them in your hands today.
Thats it for me guys :-D M;om Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie, I love
you all and BE HAppY!1
Elder JAmie McConnell