HEYO!!!!! :-D Como estan ustedes? :-) It's weird not be at home and at church where I can just ask people but its alright :-) I'll be home soon :)
So anyways, this week was mostly like the last ones :-P Nothing bad about that, but regardless it makes it hard to write stuff :-P For devotional this week, we were visited by Elder Robert D. Hales which, in the vernacular of today's youth, was awesome. :-D He has a very unique speaking style. He is very very quiet and has a very soft kind of voice but at the same time the feelings you get when you listen to him are the same as if he was shouting his words :-D Cool stuff. We did our first ever TRC lesson in SPANISH this week :-D It went pretty good, if I do say so myself. and I do. :-D Spanish is coming along nicely.. We are still learning new stuff everyday :-) It's insane how much I've learned in the last five weeks :-P It doesn't even feel like five weeks :-P Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana ;-D :-D A shout out to Tyson Cook, one of my teachers here served in Vina del mar and he knows you :-) Hermano Nelson if that rings any bells :-D Also to the Pearsons, thanks for the talk and the two stories in the mail :-) I really liked reading them :-D Something funny that keeps happening to me, Tyler Davies is constantly leaving me notes in mandarin just about everywhere I go ;-D He's even gotten into my journals somehow and at the time I was a little surprised but then i realized that this is Tyler we're talking about. Of course he's been in my journal :-D I'm sending a picture of what JFMIV looks in mandarin home today so you guys can see it :-) Another funny thing that I don't think that I've talked a lot about is four square at gym :-) When I first heard that four square was something that you could do during gym i thought " Seriously? Four square? Like when we were in elementary school?" .. .. .. Not even close.. Here, four square is a game of stragedy and skill. Some elders get together to come up with different playing styles and tricks that they can use during when they play. They've even named some of these moves. Leadfist, Payzont Punch, the Spiderman, it's insane! :-D Its funny how four square can be something really fun to do even at nineteen :-D Something spiritual that I learned this week is how personal the scriptures can be if we take the time to read them. Some time ago I found this section in the D&C and yesterday i refound it and it had the same kind of impact that it had in the past :-D D&C 39: 7-13. Read it, it's about me! :-D Even if scriptures don't call us out by name they are meant to be for our benefit and they can help us out during any time of trial. It's like having Jesus Christ for a companion when we teach :-) It's a powerful thing.
Well that's it for me this week :-P I apologize for not typing more :-P There isn't that much to type. Always, I love you Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, & Sophie :-) Make sure to stay cool and BE HAPPY!!! :-D
Sincerely Jamie McConnell :-)