Hey guys, how´re things? :-) Sounds like everything is going good with you guys :-D I just recently watched Grace´s video and Sams seminary video :-D Hilarious :-D I´m crying. English humor is so much BETTER!!! By the way, I didn´t know you guys went to San Fransisco :-D
So things are going alright here in Ohiggins. We have people, they´re nice :-) They´re having problems with coming to church but we´ll be fixing that soon. :-D The Family Contreras is doing good. We´ve hit some snags, Carmen needs to quit smoking, her husband Pedro likes the church but wants to really feel that its the true church, Magglor has yet to pray about the Book of Mormon but is reading it and likes everything that we´ve taught, Cristian doesn´t want to ´´switch´´ churches because all of his friends go to an adventist church, and Niko who needs to read and pray. Fun stuff. Actually, Something funny with Niko the other day. We were explaining Prophets and Apostols and how when Jesus made his church, it had prophets and apostols and so to be the church of Jesus today it needs to have those two things (and of course other things but we weren´t specifying everything) and Niko pipes up and asks ´´Wait a sec. You mean that your church has prophets and apostols here in the present?´´ and we say ´´. . .Yes´´ and he´s like ´´WHoa are you serious? Where do they live?´´ And I said ´´Um in Utah but they travel a lot, its kind of their job´´ and then Niko says ´´The church is true! It has everything!´´ And we´re like ´´Thats right class, you´ll need to know that for the test after´´ :-D Funny stuff :-D We´re going to see if we can help´them all out with reading and praying. I feel like thats really going to help them.
Elfrides is an older lady, she lives with her husband alone because their family are all grown. Her daughter in law is actually a member (inactive but a member nonetheless) and The daughter in law was going to bring her to church on sunday because she´s older and has trouble walking long distances but the lady never showed up!! This has happened twice now. We´ve decided to bring her ourselves :-) We have another abuelita, Rosa, as well who didn´t come either :-P She´s really nice, she´s kind of forgetful and We need to be very clear with the lessons but she´s doing good :-) thats about it for peoples.
Something interesting yesterday, We were contacting in a plaza thats right next to the church and we start talking to this guy Nelson and he´s nice, we´re talking, we start talking about how there´s one God how he wouldn´t have so many churches and he asks us ´´well which church is true´´ I waiting for a second before pointing across the plaza and said ´´Its that one´´. I think that if i had recently arrived in chile I would have said something like ´´Well you can pray to our Heavenly Father and he will tell you the answer´´ which is true, but I knew what the answer was, and I wasn´t going to wait ´to let him know. I feel that not saying the truth (not lying, just not talking), is almost another way of lying when the truth should be told. As well, when someone keeps their mouth shut when words should be spoken, trust is lost. If people can´t tell each other how they feel and what they think honestly, trust is silently lost. Something as missionaries members and really anyone that we should make sure to do when the truth is asked for is tell it, without fear. People don´t have the time to hear us almost tell he truth, especially family and friends and whoever else we care about.
Well I got to go :-) By the way Mom I haven´t had any health problems so no worries. I´m sending ONE letter for everyone so heads up for that. Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Dani, I love you all and BE HaPPy!!
Elder Jamie McConnell