Hey Guys, how`re things? :-D I hope the best. SOPHIE TALKS!! :-D
Surprisingly well :-D
Things are going good here in Vilcun :-D 20 people came to church
yesterday which is awesome (not investigators, in total). This last
week was really fun :-D We got a lot done .-)
Its really sad to hear about Louis Yates :-( I would have like to
have seen him before :-( But we`ll see each other again :-D I just got
to behave myself .-D Louis Yates is a really great man.
I wrote yesterday and I`m sending the letters tomorrow So heads up :-D
The packages haven`t arrived yet but -i`m sure on wednesday that they
ill be there :-D
As for Christmas call, We`re thinking Monday of doing it. It would
be in the afteroon here but I`ll be sure to tell you guys when to be
Two cool things this week. We went to go and teach a -laura who is
really nice and we`re just barely starting out with her. The last
time we went we taught the first lesson right up to the apostasy and
left it at that. We came back to finish, and she told us that a
neighbor had passed away the day before and that the family was a
little distraught. She then began to tell us how her own father had
died recently and all the things that happened. Laura`s Dad had
cancer but they actually had done surgery on that but instead of
taking care of himself, he kept on working and taking freezing showers
until he eventually got pneumonia and passed away. Laura didn`t even
know he had gotten pneumonia when she got the call. She was really
sad about it, so we talked about the Atonement. I don`t know if she
understood but I felt the power of the words I said as I testified of
the Atonement Of Jesus Christ. I love those moments of truth.
Second, a more humbling experiance. I went to go and do a baptismal
interview on Thursday. Her name is Raquel and she is deaf. She and
her sister have developed a sign language system of their own so she
is able to comunicate BUT I KNOW that there are a lot of ideas that
they can`t explain with their signs. So we do the interview. I do
not believe that Raquel understands exactly why tithing, or the Word
of Wisdom, or Chastity, or the Sabbath -day, or what a prophet is BUT
. . . I could feel her belief in God, Jesus Christ, and what Joseph
Smith did, and how she knows that she needs tp be baptized. It
humbled me to think that perhaps this women of little understanding
could very easily have a bigger testimony than someone like myself who
has read a lot and been born in the church and whatever. I can`t wait
to meet her after and hear her tell me herself what she feels for God.
Thats it guys. :-D Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and
Sophie, O love you all and BE HAPPY
Elder JAmie McConnell