Jamie is trying to bake cookies at a members home. They didn't turn out very well.
Jamie with his bishop and his family
Jamie was teaching these boys to play baseball. This was taken before they played because after they started playing Jamie hit the ball so hard and far they lost the ball. He had to get the kids some new tennis balls!
The video can be found by following this link:
HEYO EVERBODY!! :-D Howzit going?! :-D
Just so I don`t forget, I did finally get the package with the letters about the baby :-P Not fun :-P Thanks for the M&m`s though :-D Yum.
Anyways, I am doing fine here in Villa O`higgins :-) I`m ready everyday to go out dressed, tie, tag, everything and then its time for personal study until 9:30, then I would have planning for the day and then comp study but that doesn`t happen and as soon as its eleven and we`re not heading out to work I hit the books again :-) Sing ho for more study time. I`m basically Chilean now for all the spanish that I know :-D ¿¡Què Onda Gringos?! :-D Whats Up Gringos?! :-D Honestly the thing about learning another language is that you learn that everyone is really all the same at the end of the day. When you begin learning you assume that anyone else that can speak the language is perfect in everyway, word, act, thought, whatever. You come to realize that people can mess up in a different language just as you can in yours. A whole different view on other people when you realize they`re just like you.
Good things this week. Elder Saucedo turned 22 wednesday :-D That was fun. A bunch of other elders came over in the night and we had foods and pleasant conversation. There are some really cool people in the zone :-) Oh yeah :-D We went on splits on tuesday and I went with the newbie Elder Walker :-D I`m spanish savvy enough that I`m trusted with the newguy :-D So we did a bunch of contacts and my favorite was when he told a lady what we do in church ,``we pray, we read the scriptures, and we talk with Jesus``. I gave her a passalong and sent her on her way. Elder Walker got mad at me later, ^^^Why`d you let me say that?!^^ And I was like ^^Think before you tell people that ``we talk to jesus``^^ :-D Very funny. What else . . . Oh YeaH ! :-D A family came looking for US and asked if we could baptize a daughter of theirs and we were like ``Shoot, we might be really busy, I don`t know if we can . . . OF COURSE WE CAN!!`` (but with more reverence of course). Really cool :-) The date is for the 25th so I think I`M dreaming of a white Christmas :-D Don`t you just love puns?
Thats really it :-P For Grace`s question on what we eat here, We eat a lot :-) I never have anything big for breakfast cuz if I do then I won`t be able to finish lunch :-D Not only that, lunch is always ALWAYS more than one dish. There is always something after the first and occasionally the second. I can sum up everything that we eat with very little words; Rice, Chicken, Potatoes, Soup(various types but a lot of it), Fish, and Bread. Not to say that there is anything wrong with the food :-) The Food is great. I have not had to gag things down to eat them, they are usually very tasty. Its that there`s a ton of the all the same food :-P No worries though :-D
As for Elder Saucedo. It is not that he is lazy or chraico(crooked), he`s just really Really not liking the sector. He has a point too. When we had the transfers this week I went to the other sector and there is a huge difference between ours and theirs :-P There`s a ton more people, they`re not all old, and they listen a little more before saying that they are catholic or whatever. As well the sector is so tiny, theres no room for the missionaries not to talk to everyone, over and over again. :-P Not fun. I`m doing alright. I`ve tried to help him go out but I`m not having too much success :-P All well :-) Things can only get better.
I may or may not get the package you guys sent tomorrow. Speaking of the catholic stickers, I`ve been told that if you cover the package with them, the package usually makes it safe to where it needs to go :-D Sing ho for superstitious latinos :-D I`m also sending you guys some letters and a card for christmas today :-) I couldn`t find gifts :-P But i promise that I will :D
Anyways Thats it for me :-D until the next, Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, and Sophie, I love you all and Be Happy!
Elder Jamie McConnell