Jamie talking with us on Chirstmas
HEy EverYBody :-D
Howzit going?! :-D Things are going alright here on the other side of the world.
So some interesting things this week :-) We ALMOST had a Baptism :-P And we almost did it in a River :-D but it didn`t happen :-P So we had everything ready, she has been taught all of the lessons and she passed everything in the interview, BUT she told us that she didn`t want to do it. Actually she never said yes or no. The thing is that she at this time can be baptized. There is no problem with that. She however has this really big fear of not enduring to the end. The problem is that she has this ex pareja. The closest word in english that I would use is a husband or wife that live together almost exactly as if they were married but aren`t. Right now there is no problem, but she is afraid that in the future this guy`s going to come back and they`re going to live together and then the baptism would`ve been for nothing :-P She knows everything, she knows that its important, she knows she has to do it, but she wants to be sure that this won`t be a problem for her later :-P So me and Elder Colombo both felt that we shouldn`t push her on this. We knew that this idea was really sad but we also knew that it was the best thing to do. When we got home we didn`t feel too bad :-) Elder Colombo said that If we had baptized we wopuld have felt worse :-D I agreed. So theres that.
Nothing much really crazy happened this week. I gopt the hymnbook and bugstuff on tuesday. We had a capacitacion which is just a big spanish word for a big meeting with los angeles south zone and Pres. Swenson :-D We learned a lot. he talked about how on the mission we are every decision that we make and its the same for the rest of your life :-D Cool stuff. I gave a talk yesterday :-D Darn Bishop told me the night before thatI needed to do it and then 15 minutes before he told me twenty minutes. I whipped out some old talks that I had in my english scripture case and just translated it :-D I gave a talk on forgiveness. It reminded me about when you would call me in the morning Dad and tell me I had a class later on in the day. Thanks for the practice. I also got to giver a blessing in spanish the other day. The thing in Spanish is that there are two different ways to say you, tu and usted, but for some reason blessings and prayers are usually said in tu form. The sad part is that I almost always talk in usted so I hardly know how to speak in tu :-P I did good I thought :-D It was a mix of the two :-D
So yeah, thats basically it :-) I`m sending letters today so heads up. I`m doing great with everything. Really the ward is really really cool :-) I`m going to miss them a lot when they take me out of here. That might happen in February first but I`d be totally fine until the middle of march :-) Sing Ho :-D
ANyways, Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, Sophie, and Danny, I love you all and Be Happy!
Elder Jamie McConnell
p.s. Whats in my hand? Nothing, Nothing, I`m a magician