Hey EVERYBODY!! :-D Howzit Going?!?!
Hey guys, How`re things? :-) I hope the best. I liked that picture
Dad, ``We will rebuild`` :-D My first weeks in the mission were filled
with tremors like that and honestly, I`ve slept through bigger.
American Wussies :-D Thinking about all these earthquakes, there are a
lot of earthquakes in divers places if you know what I mean he he he
end of the world :-D Naw just kidding :-D We learned something the
other day, If you are prepared you shall not fear :-) True.
Things are going good here in Chile :-) I forgot that I didn`t
explain much about my eyes so i`ll do that :-D They`re very bad :-D
The doctor was like ``You have very bad eyesight James, You need
contacts``. So we go in on last tuesday to do that and we`re there in
the doctors office and he`s trying to get some numbers for my eyes so
that he can order contacts and its kind of taking a little while.
Finally he says ``This usually works a LOT faster`` and then says ``I
can`t find the solution`` :-P So he tells me that he`s going to take
all of the information from the tests and talk with some collegues
(spelling) of his and they`re going to figure out what to do with me
:-) So now I can`t hear OR see well and to top it off I forget things
sometimes too :-D. An Elder the other day said that I might be
developing Parkinsons and I punched him. :-D I`m alright though just
so you all know :-D Now that I`ve been ``enlightened`` I can see how I
have bad eyesight. Before monday last week I thought that I was just
tired all the time and for that my eyes would get blurry. Now I know
that its for Parkinsons I mean bad eyesight :-D We still don`t know
what we`re going to do yet but it shouldn`t be too complicated :-D I
hope nobody gets too worried :-D
Besides that things are going great here in Cañete :-D Last
Saturday Graciela was baptized as well as the daughter of Laura, Jenny
:-D Graciela told me to hold her under for a little while so that she
could think and I was like``. . . Yeah we`ll see`` Jenny laughed in
her baptism :-P Some people . . . :-D They are really cool :-) Thanks
for all of your prayers :-D
Now to explain people. Carla is the girl with me and the tall Elder
Brandt. Claudio is the guy in white with Elder Aizpurùa and Graciela
is the lady next to Carla giving the hug to the kid next to her (
whose name is Jose Luis bytheway and Meredith this is the guy you`re
talking to) :-D I think that I said like two weeks ago if you guys
could buy a bible and triple and then put your testimonies (from all 6
of you) and a picture that`d be really cool :-)
Cambios are tomorrow but me and Elder Aizpurùa are staying :-)
Until october 11th at least :-D
Thats it for me guys. The Church is true, the book of mormon is
also true, Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and Thomas S Monson is
the Prophet on the Earth today (and both men are very true :-D ) but
the most important truth of them all is that I KNOW that my Redeemer
Jesus Christ lives. Thats kind of a lot of gospel but the world needs
more truths like these :-D Until the next guys, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace
and Sophie, I love you all and Be Happy!!!
Elder Jamie McConnell
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