HEY EveryBody!! :-D Howzit Going?!?!
Hey Guys :-) How`re things? :-) Hopefully the best :-D Those ``stencils`` are really cool Sam :-D I liked the picture of Sophie
So things here in CaƱete are going good :-) We`re working hard, being tired, its fun :-D We finding new people as well :-) its generally all good :-D We are having problems with people and their commitments but besides that there`s not a lot to complain about :-)
Cool story so me and another Elder, Elder Castillo, are on intercambios ``exchanges`` and we go and visit a lady who`ve we`ve taught before. She begins the conversation with ``I know that I need to get baptized but the big question is which church`` and we`re like `` . . . Um Teacher pick me I know the answer`` :-D So we go and teach the restoration to this little family and when we get to the first vision we had them close their eyes and think about how they felt when they listened to the first vision. When we finished it got very quiet and then we asked if Graciela, the lady, she believed that Joseph Smith had a vision. Through tears she said yes. :-) Very cool. Yesterday we met her daughter who has also been talking to missionaries for forever and she hadn`t wanted to be baptized because she didn`t want to be the only member in her family but now that her mom and nephew are with her too she took that as a sign that she should get baptized Very cool :-) We have baptismal dates for them the 30th and they need to go to church the next three weeks to reach that goal so PRAY FOR US THEM. Graciela needs to find a job to replace the one she has on sunday to be able to go to church so please pray for that. Their names are Graciela, Karla and Claudio Jara. :-D
Thats it for me :-P We got to get out of here :-P Until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie, I love you all and Be HAppY!!
Elder McConnell
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