Hey guys how`re things? :-D Sounds like everything is going good :-D Nobody told me Sam went to Hawaii I wanted to go Something funny, people here think that everything is all close by or something because whenever they ask about the hawaii photos they`re like ``Oh of course because everybody lives close to Hawaii`` . . . Nope :-) I`m glad that the temple arrived. I was kind of worried that it wasn`t going to make it Happy Day :-D
Things are going good here in Gorbea Which is sad cuz I`m leaving!! I`m going to CaƱete (The weird n sounds like nyah, Mom can explain it better I`m FINALLY getting a gringo comp :-D His name is Elder Lundgren I know nothing about him I`m sure that he`s going to be a cool guy He got into Chile in January so he`s got about 7 months more or less I think Hopefully I`ll be ok, this is my first comp who has less time than me and may not know spanish Ah well Adventure and courage and whatever :-D Honestly, I`m really glad to get this chance to lead. I hate it when my comps just like to hang out in the houses of people and just watch TV :-P I also hate the ``Iknowbetterthanyou`` attitude that comes from people with ``experiance``. :-P This is going to be something really good I think A challenge for sure but at the same time a blessing PRAY FOR ME :-D I`ll be fine for sure HAppy News :-D William and Maria got HITCHED today :-D Count it!! I got to do it and everything :-D . . . well maybe I didn`t DO it, but I was there :-) It was really cool In my next pack of letters to you guys I`ll send the pictures Saturday they get baptized William, Maria, and Isis Its so crazy how time flies I wish you guys could have seen how they`ve changed over just 10 weeks. Thats something that helps you know that someone is really taking and putting the gospel of Jesus Christ in their life. They slowly begin to change in character, appearance, even in presence. Theres a quote by Joseph Smith, somebody asked him how the mormon population behaved and acted so well and he replied ``I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves``. You cannot make someone do something that he or she doesn`t want to do but you can yet that person know what he or she should do and then hope for the best :-D William Maria and Isis have grown so much :-) It really is a blessing to see someone`s life be changed :-)
Thats it for me this week :-P Sorry for the length :-P I had someother things to do with the computer as well today :-P Next time will be better
Until the next, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie, I love you all a ton and Be HappY !!!
Elder Jamie McConnell
Wow, Jamie, this is great - makes me teary!