It was really cool to see the Cooks all together at last :-D Tommy was on my prayer list for the missionaries I know so let him know that if he feels like he`s not getting the same amount of blessings its cuz I`m not praying for him anymore :-D Just kidding :-D Sophie`s pictures were hilarious as well :-D
Things here in Gorbea are going good :-) We were able to bring 4 to church yesterday :-D The week was kind of a slow one for the fact that we needed to spend a lot of time in Temuco monday, tuesday and wednesday because Elder Gonzalez needed to get some xrays for his legs. Turns out that there`s nothing really wrong with his knees at least, except for a little inflammation which only a little rest from walking and playing soccer will help :-) He kind of got mad when they told him that :-P Besides that it went pretty well :-) We went to William, Maria, and Isis`s house several times during the week to put a date for their marriage and they finally did yesterday :-D but its for October 7th :-P We told them that we were very happy that they had a date set up BUT we encouraged them to continue praying about it to see if it`d be better to get married sooner. We explained how a blessing tomorrow or next week is still the same blessing at the end of the day except for when we receive it, and if the reason that blessings don`t come to us is because we are just waiting, then its better to do it sooner. Of course in a very lovingly way :-D They told us that they still hadn`t prayed really for the date so we told them that it`d help them a lot to do so. They said they would :-) At least there`s a date. :-D
Cambios are tomorrow, and I`m staying here in gorbea and Elder gonzalez is heading out. And guess who`s coming to gorbea . . . Elder Gomez!! :-D But this one is from Paraguay so its not as exciting as you all thought :-D I`m quite a little prankster aren`t I? :-D I don`t know much about Elder Gomez, but I`ve heard that he`s a hard worker :-) hopefully we`ll get stuff done and have fun :-D
I was able to give a talk yesterday, and I thought that it went pretty well. Apparently it went so well that a Sister Gabi came up to me after and told me that I had the gift of tongues. I nodded in agreement. :-D She said that I was using words that had two or three meanings in spanish and that I was using them perfectly. I laughed on the inside and thanked her. I can speak spanish but i`m not that cool yet :-) Good to know that at least she understood me :-D
Nothing really happened this week :-P Sorry for being boring :-P Next week should be good :-D
Yesterday was Easter :-) My major holidays have been rather pathetic here in Chile :-P I didn`t really feel the Easter spirit yesterday, but that doesn`t change my testimony. Something that I love about the Atonement of Jesus Christ (well two actually), is a talk that Elder Wirthlin gave called Sunday will come, and the knowledge that everyone has the ability to change and be better. There`s a line in Elder Wirthlin`s talk that I love, ``No matter how black our fridays can be, Sunday will always come, just like it did on that first Easter Sunday for Jesus``. and the second thing is that no matter how much we`ve messed up our lives (or how ever little), WE CAN CHANGE. We will forever have the ability to choose to be better. We will always be able to say I will try again. Christ made that possible and shame on us if we forget his pain.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Pres Thomas S Monson is the Prophet on the earth today :-) and we will always be able to find comfort in that because Jesus suffered everything, we don`t need to suffer anything.
Thats it for me :-D until the next Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie, I love you all and Be Happy :-)
Elder Jamie McConnell
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