Many of you might get confused about Danie and what Jamie is talking about. We had Danie live with us since the first of the year as a nanny to help with the younger girls. Anyway, she became interested in learning about the church. Through her reading scriptures with us as a family and the love of the missionaries at Temple Square, she made the decision to be baptized. She was leaving on Sunday morning for new new assignment in New Jersey and decided to be baptized Thursday night! So, the elders interviewed her and we got it done Saturday night. We are sad to see her go as a family as she has become close as a daughter to Barb and me but excited for her new adventure back east. To give you an example of how the Spirit works, her new bishop in the area she moved to speaks Mandarin! So we are comfoted with that. Anyway here's Jamies Letter:
That is AWESOME that Danie got baptized!! :-D I apologize for the lack of faith, but I didn`t know if Danie was going to come through because one I still have yet to meet her and two I`m surrounded by people everyday that say ``Yeah come over later`` or ``yeah I`ll read tonight`` or ``yeah sure maybe i`ll get baptized on saturday`` :-P Thats wonderful that Danie wanted to do that. It`s like you said Dad, ``When she got here, she didn`t know who Moses was`` :-D I remember something Mom told me way back when, apparently when Danie read the story she said ``You guys really believe all that?`` ``. . . Yes`` :-D I suppose when you think about everything the Bible and Book of Mormon have, there are a couple incredible stories :-D I am really happy that Danie feels that this is all true :-) THAT is something that is really amazing, a testimony. I feel bad that I haven`t been able to meet her :-P but I`m eternally grateful that she passed through Utah and through the house of the McConnell family :-) You guys rule. (Bytheway Dad, Your hair is really white now . . . Love you :-D)
Sam that is really cool that you graduated. I apologize if that sounds sarcastic :-P :-D But seriously it was cool to see you in that weird dress thingy (I think its called a robe right? :-D Spanish is killing my english :-D) You`re all grown up now :-) Make sure to try and enjoy this last summer vacation :-D
Enough about you guys :-D Things here are going good :-D The scriptures and sweets arrived on tuesday and William, Maria, and Isis loved the scriptures :-D They are so happy to be able to read ALL of the scripture references :-D They are so wonderful. They kind of had a hard week :-P They tried selling some things in the week (which bytheway is how food comes into their house) and it didn`t go very well :-P We stopped by on Saturday to have a lesson and we tried to lift their spirits a bit. We sang hymn 228 (well in spanish) and Mathew 6 24-27 and Ether 12 4. I explained how rain falls on everyone but the righteous are secured :-) If you are doing the best you can to keep the commandments YOU WILL BE BLESSED. YOU WILL HAVE HELP. Exactly when, I have no idea, but it will happen :-) They seemed a little better after :-)
Something cool :-) Our District President, Pres Ulbrich, announced in church yesterday that we are going to throw a party next tuesday in the church (as far as one can throw a party in the church of course) to celebrate William`s and Maria`s marriage :-D Everyone got all excited and wanted to pitch in. It got pretty crazy. :-D Its awesome when the ward`s got your back :-D
Transfers are next week so we`ll see if i`m even here for the baptism but if not, i`ll know that they`ll be fine :-) And if i stay, more food for me :-D
Hopefully that package arrives safely :-P i`m kind of worried about that :-P let me know when it gets there :-D
Thats basically it for me :-) Until the next Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, and Sophie, I love you all and Be HappY!
Elder Jamie McConnell