HEY Everybody! :-D Howzit Going?!! :-D I loved reading the emails and Dad, thats a pretty cool article about you :-D though they did forget to put in the rest of us in the story cuz I`m pretty sure we were there for some of those parts :-D So I assume that the Ipod arrived :-) I have to say that I do not trust Chilaen mail services :-P Ten cuidado. Danie seems like she`s really helping out a lot :-) How is her name spelled bytheway? Danny, Danie, Dani . . . :-) Nice cake Sam, And HEy mom said you got those fire poi thingies. Don`t be stupid cuz if you burn down somebody`s house now, you go to jail. Now you gotta make sure that everything you do isn`t too stupid :-D Happy birthday bytheway :-D How does it feel to be 18? I cant even remember what we did for my 18th birthday. I know that you guys were there :-D I think that I got my compĆ¹ter there as well :-D That was almost 2 years ago :-D Holy caca :-D So yeah, more about me. Things are going good here in the Ohig. (You can`t really be too gangster with a name like ohiggins). We`re improving a lot about the sector. WE didn`t have a lot of success with people coming to church yesterday but you can be darn sure we invited a ton of people to go and they all said ''Yeah we`ll go'' which was great because they usually say si dios quiere which means if god wants which almost makes me want to scream sometimes. ``I`ll go if God wants me to`` ``. . . We just told you that he does moron`` :-D that was rude, and I don`t ever say that but the thought`s still there :-D But seriously, things are improving . We have a lot of new people that we can teach, a lot of inactives that we`ve found that want to start coming back. Everything is looking up :-) SIng ho. Something cool that happened yesterday. On the 15th we have a baptism scheduled for Patricia. The same day, the ward is going on a paseo. I don`t know what the word means exactly but the thing is a really big ward activity at some river some where. We were told that we needed to come because the members might kill us if we don`t, but we said that we might have a baptism for the 15th, so the bishop said ''no importa'' which is like doesn`t matter ''we`ll bring her with us and baptize her there``, and I was like ``Um ok we`ll talk with her``. The thing is that patricia is kind of `timid`` and she doesnt want to get baptized if she`s not sure she`s gonna stick it out, so we were going to talk to her about it. Anyways, the meetings went, blah blah blah, eventually sacrament finished and they began a meeting about the paseo with all the members for a bit. Patricia went outside for a sec and we talked about the baptims and if she`d like it in a river, and stuff and she was like yeah we`ll see. Eventually we went back into the chapel and got ambushed by the members. They were like ``Are you going to come, are you going to get baptized, are you coming, its going to be great, the water`s perfect for baptism, just a little dip, we are ALL going to be there, COMING???`` . . . . I was like ``Guys, shut UP!!`` mentally, but then patricia caved in and said ok :-D It was perfect cuz thats all she really needed was everyone telling her to do it. :-D She knows everything, she`s just afraid of the happily ever after part but i think that the members are going to be a great help :-) So thats basically it .:-) Hey by the way to Mom and Jason, Some of the youth members have asked for my facebook stuff and I told them that you two speak spanish. I hope that they aren`t too crazy :-) The convert that I have is Constanza Rivas so if you want to get to know her and her fam that`d be cool. Something that I wanted to ask for, if you guys ,in a package that might be a little bigger, could send me a pair of missionary mall shoes and more socks, that`s be great :-) I have one more pair but I think it`d be good to have one more backup :-D Thats it for me :-) Until the next, Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, Sophie, and Danny (spelling), I love you all and Be HappY! Sincerely Elder McConnell
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