So hey, WHoa Grandma. So everything went well I heard which is good. No offense but I wasn`t all that worried about anything because I didn`t hear about open heart surgery until this morning, and then after I heard that grandma was fine. Before I had only heard of angioplasty which is either not really a big deal or I wasn`t aware of how big of a deal it was. Its cool how everything worked out in the end :-)
So things here in the ohig are going really good :-) We`ve done a lot of things here to help with the ward and sector. I don`t think I said the last but we had a Baptism on the 29th :-) It went very well :-) It was kind of impromtu because we had to do everything but it was good nonetheless :-) We hope that this baptism will help her family make their way back to the church because they are a little inactive. Here`s to hoping. It`s good that we had a baptism because the last time that this sector had a baptism was in March 2010 :-P Sing Ho for not a year! :-D Another cool thing that has happened recently is the family that I was talking about the other week :-) We`ve been teaching them throughout the week and they have accepted everything that we`ve said and they even say that it makes a lot of sense :-D TAke that Satan, Gospel Props! We had a ward activity on friday where we had all the members that came bring a cake(or something sweet to share) and then we provided a spiritual message and games :-D A plus was that the family was able to come and get to know just about everyone in the ward and THEN on sunday they already knew everybody :-D Yesterday after church they told us that they loved everything and want to hear more. So we`re going to leave them alone for a little while . . . . Yeah thats not happening. They`ve been a real blessing for us and I feel that when they become members (When not if, because THEY`ve already been talking about the temple) that they are going to be a great help for the church :-) HAppy Day, all is well.
Another cool thing this week. The Area President, Elder Carlos Amado, came and had a conference with us on thursday :-D It was really fun and he`s a really funny guy. It`s weird to think that if I didn`t know spanish, I wouldn`t have been able to talk with him or listen to what he was teaching. Crazy stuff. Something that he told us was that at the time we may not feel that we are being guided by the spirit but when looking back, its obvious that we were. Cool thought.
Something funny, so we were contacting the other day cuz we do that sometimes, and we run into this old guy and we`re like hey sir how`re you doing? and he was like good good, and we were like Hey were missionaries and we have this special message for YOU, and some other things about the importance of our happiness in this life, and until this point he was being polite until he asks ``What are you guys, Catholics, Evangelists?`` And we say ``We`re from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints`` and he asks ``What?`` and we say ``. . .The Mormons`` and then he flips out and he`s like ``No I dont want anything from you guys, you need to leave`` so we stand there awkwardly for a sec and I`m kind of sad cuz it`s always sad when they do that so I say ``Here`` and I give him a little passalong card of Jesus and he gets all surprised and says ``What is this?`` and I`m like `` . . .Its Jesus`` and he`s like ``But you guys follow Satan, the Devil`` and I`m like ``. . . Nope`` :-D After that he got all happy and smily and thoughtful for awhile and we told him that we can only follow Jesus because anyone else is wrong. He stopped talking to us at this point onward but he was still smiling :-) We told him we`ll pass by someother time when he wasn`t busy and then we left. Funny stuff. Its amazing what people think sometimes.
So hey that`s it for me. I`m mailing some letters today but they`re all for other people but I`m sending letters to you guys next week with pictures so hang tight. (By the way I`m still going to be here in Ohiggins until MArch 15 at least. Forgot to mention that ) Until the next Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, Sophie, and Dani, I love you all and Be HAppy!
Elder Jamie McConnell
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