Howzit going?! :-D Things are going alright on the other side of el mundo.:-) I`m not sick and Christmas is coming :-D Feliz Navidad!!
So yeah, I`m alright :-) Recently its been kind of cold here in LA. This is weird here because our seasons are in reverse. Their summer vacation here is in December til march. Crazy stuff. I love the reactions on people`s faces when I tell them what we do in the states :-) They almost always say ``Why do you do it in reverse? Why are you all so weird?`` and I`m like ``No, Why are YOU ALL so weird?`` :-D Funny stuff :-) Since its cold here everyone else is suffering when I`m like ``Stop whining dummies, its December, its supposed to be cold`` then I remember where I am and keep quiet. :-)
Things here in O`higgins are still pretty slow :-P I think that I said this last time, but we do have a baptism date :-D Its going to be a Merry Christmas :-D We also found a family who want to have their 7 almost 8 year old daughter to be baptized in january :-) Happy Day :-D
Everything else is still pretty slow :-P Curses. BUT . . . I`m taking a stand against this Maldito sector this week and for all the weeks to come. I`m not going to let this sector ruin my Christmas by making us feel ``unable to make a difference``. You wait, STuffs going to be happening this week. :-D ¡¡Creedlo!!
Anyways, things that happened this week. We were able to teach a couple of people this week. Being a missionary is so much fun when people want to listen :-D One morning we recieved a call from a sister from the ward and she asked us if we could come over later on in the day and help her to begin quitting smoking. When we got there she was really really nice, as well as her family. Then we made a plan to help her to quit smoking. We wrote down all the things that she was missing because of smoking, all the things she could have and all the blessings she`ll recieve when she`s totally done with smoking. It was good to do. She and her family have kind`ve had it rough for the last couple of months :-P Unfortunately the husband wasn`t faithful to her and it has been very hard for them (her and the kids). They are all SO nice though. The Sister (Virna) told us that even through all this and the smoking and everything, she still feels that the church is true. She said it like that as well ``I can FEEL that it is true still``. Very very cool. I left her some scriptures to read (Alma 7 11-13 and John 14 18) and we left. Something that I wanted to point out, English and spanish scriptures are not exactly the same. that John scripture above for example in english says I won`t leave you ``comfortless``. In spanish (translated) it says orphaned or deserted. Its really really cool to study scriptures now :-D :-)
Another cool thing, we were able to meet a baby of a couple in our ward who was born on wednesday :-D She`s 5 days old!! We went over to the house (to see them before the baby came because she was due two days from now) and the mom answers the door and she`s like ``Hi`` and we`re like ``hi`` and she`s like ``come in and see the baby`` and we`re like ``. . . What baby?`` and she goes into the other room and brings this tiny little person out and we`re like ``BABY!!`` :-D The couple asked us to bless her right there so we did :-) Cool stuff
Anyways that`s it for me. I haven`t gotten any packages or letters yet and I don`t think I will til the 23rd or 24th :-) So they`re still on their way :-D Oh, a little note to dad, I use MY card usually at the end of the month when funds are short, but I`ve used them more this month cuz I lost my church card :-P No worries though ;.) I`m getting another one today :-D
So thats it for me. Until the next Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, and Sophie, I love you all and BE HAppY!
Elder McConnell
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