Jamie didn't give any description of the pictures in his letter. We'll ask him next week.
Hey everybody :-)
Sorry that i didn´t email on saturday :-P Today´s not actually P-day but we´re alright to email cuz it was so busy on saturday. The thing is that in Chile on the 18th of September its there equivilant of our fourth of July except that the chilaens get a lot more crazy than we do. :-D We´re not really able to work the entire weekend not because its dangerous but because a lot of the people are too busy drinking or partying to want to hear anything about Jesus. :-) So we just rested. Its funny, the last two weekends have been the same. On Sept 11th every year a ton of riots and protests happen because of some thing that happened way back when but no one here has told me what.
Anyways, I wrote a little list this week to make sure to type down what I want you guys to know :-D First on the list is tremors or los temblos they call them here. I think that it was maybe the third or fourth day here when in the middle of the night the bed starts rocking. I´m thinking ¨jeez elder bustos (cuz its a bunk bed and I´m on top) What´re you doing?¨ Then i realize that everythings shaking :-D Fortunately for me i was so dang tired that i just went back to bed. It was kind of like a massage :-D In hindsight, maybe we should have woken up but i guess no harm done :-D
Now my comps. Elder Bustos is from colombia and he´s been out since june 2009. I´m glad that he´s my trainer starting out cuz if i had Elder Escobillana from northern Chile, then I don´t think I would have understood anything the first week. Elder Escobillana was paired up with an Elder Wilde from I think Ogden but we had a sudden transfer and now Elder Mondragon is with Elder Wilde (also from Utah). The people here when we say where we´re from call it the Fabrica :-) ONe thing that I´m glad the Elder Bustos is my comp is cuz he speaks spanish but not at extreme speeds like Elder Escobillana :-) He even speaks a little english when things are really confusing for me :-D
All of our investigators are pretty cool :-D Whenever we´re in the house they are always paying attention as long as the tv´s off. Me and Elder Bustos actually have a baptism date on the 9th of oct. :-D her name´s Coni and we have to teach a couple of lessons in the next couple of weeks but she´s really wanting to get baptized :-) Elder WIlde had a baptism on saturday too :-D
A cool little detail, the first sunday i was here the new chapel that was just recently built opened which was great for us because a big problem with getting people to come to church was that it was just so dang far away and they couldn´t afford to take the bus. Even with this new church it´s pretty far away but its definitely closer.
The language is going fine. I´m just now starting to understand mostly of whats being said. I can understand perfectly during lessons but before and after i still struggle a bit, but thats alright because it usually doesn´t have anything to do with me and I hardly talk a lot in english either :-D
The house we live in is kind of run down but kind of not. :-D We cleaned it the other day cuz i´m sure that the dirt in the bathroom was moving when i turned around so now its alright. We´re usually not there anyway during the day except for sleeping so its alright.
One thing that I thought was interesting is that we can watch movies and listen to music when we´ve got the time. the movies can only be disney and only when you can´t do work but we´re still able to watch some. The other day we watched toy story 3 and lion king one and a half :-D I didn´t finish toy story cuz i want to know what happens when i get back in ENGLISH.
Anyways thats about it. I´m trying to send the pictures but it might take a while :-P I´ll see if i can send them all right now :-)
Anyways Mom, Dad, Sam, Meri, Grace, and Sophie, I love you and be happy
Sincerely Elder Jamie McConnell
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