So it is Christmas and IT IS HOT and we ´´cant´´ go and work normally.
There are parenthesis because its just harder to work not impossible.
Anyways, So we are passing by people´s houses just to visit, say hi
and share something tiny. One investigator told us straight up he did
not want to attend us and closed the door. Merry Christmas.
Eventually we go to the Muñoz family´s house. There we begin to make
foods. At this point I decided ´´OK, we can´t go and do contacts or
teach people normally But its Christmas Eve and I will act like such
and make it happy´´ so we did :-D We made food, told jokes, laughed
:-D I miss a good get together with real laugher :-) Then we end the
day with a scripture and head out. While we are on our way out the
sun goes down and Las Luciernagas come out or how we would say
Fireflies. Fireflies that I haven´t seen for almost as long as Meri
has been alive. I got to spend Christmas eve with fireflies. It was
magical. Unfortunately my eyes made it hard to focus on the lights
but to see the lights pass through the fields and trees was wonderful
:-) And i thought ´´Thank you Heavenly Father for having me here, now,
in this place, at this point of my life, so far away from home. Thank
you for this moment.
i already knew but i knew again that God the Eternal father lives
and that he loves every single on of us :-) Merry Christmas
Thats all guys :-D Until next week. Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and
Sophie, I love you all and Be Happy :-D
Elder Jamie McConnell