Hey Everyone! Howzit Going?! :-D
Hey guys, how`re things? :-) Things are going good here in the Ohig :-D Unfortunately the missionaries that I`m with have no idea how to manage time so we were just giving juice all day long (Dando jugo means giving juice but its another way of saying hanging out but more like wasting time) So I have very little time to say how cool you all are and tell some stories from this week but I`ll try.
First off, I KNOW WHERE DALLIN IS!! :-D Found the little bugger`s sector in another missionaries phone so I`ll be calling him later tonight :-D He`s in a sector called Labranza :-)
Second thing. A little cooler. We were teaching this lady the other day, Elfrides, and we`re teaching the first lesson all about the restoration and we get to the part about Joseph Smith and I`m like ``So Sister, have you ever heard of Joseph Smith?`` and she says, I kid you not ``Oh yeah, You mean that prophet that God and Jesus Christ appeared to, in order to restore the true church?``
. . . And I`m like ```. . . . Yes`` (I`m thinking ``She ruined the story`` :-D Just kidding) We pause for a sec because we are surprised, and then I ask her if she believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that the Book of Mormon is ture, and that the LDS church is the only true church in the world, and she said yes to all of them. So we asked her if she wanted to be baptized and she said yes but that her husband wouldn`t let her so we asked if we could talk with him and she said yes, so we did, and he doesn`t want anything to do with us with the gospel anyway because we really hit it off when we didn`t talk about religion but he said that we could teach his wife and help her get baptized :-D Thats tight :-D Elfrides couldn`t come to church yesterday but it`s still looking good :-) :-D
Thats basically it for me :-P I apologize again for length, I`m going to have to talk to these guys next monday cuz this is ridiculous :-) So until the next, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Dani, I love you all and Be Happy!! :-D
Elder Jamie McConnell