We sent Jamie a package to announce our "new arrival" but he had not received it yet so he got the news from an EMAIL that was sent to him. Also, I have posted a link to a video that Forrest and Jamie made as they flew to Chile. Just copy and paste to view the link. The YouTube link is below:
Here is the letter for the week!
Just to start ¨¨THERES GONNA BE ANOTHER BROTHER WHEN I GET BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!??! THERE CAN¨T BE CALLS FOR THIS???!!!!???!!! HOLY COW!!!!! For real though when I just barely read the email it was kind of like ¨¨hey by the way, baby´´ and I was like ´´Yeah, we already got Sophie, I was there, I lived the dream´´ but then I went back to read again and saw ´´expecting . . .Oh boy´´ :-D Well DANG!!! :-D I really don´t know what to say :-D other than holy cow.
. . . . . . . . I was gonna write an email but I lost my train of thought. Something about missionary work . . .
Oh yeah. HEYO Everybody!! :-D Howzit going?! :-D Things are doing alright here on the other side of the world. A little shaken up back but that happens a lot. This week was really really fast with a surprise ending as well :-D Never saw it coming :-D
This week was alright in that I´m not sick and we´re getting stuff done and I´m learning Spanish more and more everyday. Unfortunately with la gente we didn´t have a lot of success this week :-P We were able to teach a few lessons throughout the week but not nearly as many as usual :-P Everybody was busy this week (or sleeping which is busy in Chile) so we mostly walked around, did contacts and got tans :-D We got like 201 contacts which would be awesome if the reason that we got that many wasn´t cuz no one wanted us in their houses :-P So there was that and as well all the people that we are teaching currently are not progressing :-P We had two people come to church yesterday but they were both already members, just inactive :-P It was great to see them there still :-D I dont know. Its like ´´Dang. We asked them to come, they said they would come, we called them the day before to remind them that we asked and that they said, but they still didn´t show up´´. The thing is that I want to say ´´The people just aren´t interested´´ or ´´its their choice´´ or ´´they don´t want to do anything´´ but when I think that it feels wrong in my head. I´m wondering if we´re missing something but I have no idea what it is. I´m waiting for that angel that came to Alma the younger to come around and be like ´´ Well here´s your problem´´ and I can say ´´Of COURSE. Thanks shiny man´´ That might be sacrilegious but I´m in a funny mood :-D
Really though, I´m doing alright with all this :-) I guess we just gotta do everything that we´re already doing just a couple of levels higher :-D Yeah, step up. :-D When I figure out whats going on I´ll let you guys know :-D
I don´t really have anything else to say :-P I wrote everyone letters today and sent them as well so you´ll get those eventually :D At the time I was unaware of the new baby so thats why I won´t be loud in the letters :-D Another thing I wanted to ask is how much of a time difference there is between here and the states? Because we had a time changa awhile back and I heard that there might be a four hour difference now. I dunno :-P Maybe :-D
The people like to talk about me to Elder Valdivia wherever we´re at and they are sometimes kind of mean. I think it´s because they think I don´t understand so I always like to surprise them with a little ´´¡YO SÉ LO QUE ESTAS DECIENDO!´´ :-D Surprise!
I´m still in shock about the baby. Just letting you know.
One thing that I wanted to say is how the gospel really does bless people. Unfortunately the churches here are quite small compared to Utah :-P But you can see how different the people are when you know that they´re members. There´s more happiness and just this feeling of family with them :-) Sometimes you just want to hang out at the members houses cuz they´re so cool and they´re always inviting us anyway (Future missionaries, do not do this, its a trap :-D Make sure to always focus on the people who are sick and not those that are healthy. We are Doctors. We go to the sick) ANyways, yeah. Always remember what the gospel can do :-D
That´s it for me :-D Until next monday Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace Sophie and Mr. Surprise I love you all and BE HAPPY :-D
Sincerely Elder Jamie McConnell
p.s. . . . still surprised :-D