Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly EMAIL


So how`re things everybody? :-D I feel very close to home :-D Its
almost sickening :-P I thought what its going to be like when I
finally see everyone after SO LONG. THAT will be quite the feeling
So Elder Corbridge of the Seventy came over the other day and
dropped some pretty heavy gospel bombs on us :-D VERY awesome. I even
had the opportunity to talk with him privately about the ``Fullness of
the Gospel`` and he explained that very well. If you guys remind me
about it, I`ll tell you later :-D I took several notes so I`ll share
those later but some of the things that he said that I really liked
was ``What profit is it to get everything and lose your soul``.
Elder Reyes and Elder Fernandez boxed the other day (the Elders
that live with us) Elder REyes isn`t a really big guy but he beat the
snot out of Elder Fernandez. :-D I`ll take a picture :-D
We did intercambios with a companionship the other day as well and
it was really weird to have this newer Elder Rico ask me so much
stuff. I forget that I`m awesome some times :-DAnd By awesome I mean
really really old in the Mission.
Some guy told us that the Book of Mormon was false the other day.
Didn`t know what he was talking about. If he had been any other guy
and not a leader in his church I might have been very . . .
rambunctious with my response but I held my temper and just told him
that it was true. Thats all you need to do.
Whenever we tell anyone that we are the true church, the usual
reply is ``Thats pretty egotistical of you guys to say that`` and I
usually say ``Yeah, it is, but it`s still true`` :-D You can be very
``mean`` and very honest at the same time :-D
I should describe the sector. Its called Lota bajo but the city`s
just called lota. There are in total 6 missionaries but only 4 live
together. Elder Reyes is from Washington but his parents are both
from mexico and he speaks fluent spanish. Elder Fernandez is from
Uruguay and both of these Elder`s families are all members. We are
right next to the ocean but they tell us that the tsunami can`t reach
us where we live because of how the cove is shaped. We have one big
hill in our sector and it a pain to climb but I`m fine. If I were
newer it`d be a challenge. :-D Lota in and of itself is kind of a
challenge because the missionaries have been around here so the people
know us :-D :-P There are a bajillion evangelical churches (I think
that Mom might be able to describe what that means) which is always a
blast :-D We love it when we find people that don`t go to any church
because we dont need to explain why they`re wrong or have to fight
over the bible :-P :-D Thats basically it :-D
Guys, the church is true. Elder Fernandez was sick on sunday and
we had to bring him the Sacrament. We did it right there in the
bedroom. We sang a hymn that Elder Demke played on his guitar and the
bread was crackers. I then read the prayer straight from a random
Libro de Mormon that I had at arms length in the room. ANd to top it
all off we did it with the power and authority of God. Church is
Thats it guys :-) Until the next, Mom Dad Sam Meri Grace and Sophie,
I love you all and BE HAPPY!!
Elder Jamie McConnell

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